about bob annis

Location: indy

Wednesday, January 06, 2021


Friday, April 06, 2018


cranky canaian engineer iscusses annis-invente inventoy control tag. bob invente those for libaries, but it's now more wiely use.

meanwhile, i have been interviewing casey foley for the assistant curator position.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ha a really interesting ay toay. Went to the annis room in the library where they have a black history month. Took Kevin, my newly acquired assistant curator. He wasn't feeling well, back problems, so we cut it short, but it was goo. went well.This was the room I stumbled on a week ago.

Before that, we went to the historical society to ask about the annis collection. $60 x 200 items means, $12K? to digititize the collection.I think we can get a bi to get it done for less, and as the curator of the annis museum.  got interupted....

my d key sticks an a few others...

Biography: Donald J. Angus (1887-1966)
Angus was a self-made engineer-inventor. Although he never completed high school, he did attend, as an occasional student, engineering classes of his choice at the University of Wisconsin and Michigan State University. One of his early major projects was design and installation of hydraulic plant and distributing system for the district at Williams, Lawrence County, Ind. (1909-1912). The entire Bedford Stone District of Indiana, one of the largest industrial eletrifications in the United States, was managed by Angus for some time after the completion of the project. He became progressively expert on electrical measuring and recording devices, and was selected during World War I to design a totalizing meter for the Mississippi River Company plant at Keokuk, Iowa. During his lifetime he was granted 47 patents on electrical and mechanical devices. He joined John W. Esterline in 1910 to create The Esterline-Angus Company.


The Donald J. Angus Papers

Kelvin Smith Library: Special Collections Research Center

Series 5: Patents Grantd to Donald J. Angus
  • 1,303229 5/13/1919 Carburetors assigned to Esterline Angus Company
  • 1,318126 10/7/1919 Power-factor meters
  • 1,342081 6/1/1920 Volt-ampere meters
  • 1,342082 6/1/1920 Volt-ampere meters
  • 1,354530 10/5/1920 Means for treating crowns. Assigned to Crown and Seal Co., Baltimore, Md.
  • 1,365032 10/19/1920 Brake mechanism for vehicles. Assigned to Carl G. Fisher and James Allison.
  • 1,357922 11/2/1920 Vaporizers. Assigned to Esterline Angus Company
  • 1,370179 3/1/1921 Movable elements for meters
  • 1,373477 4/5/1921 Gas generators. Assigned to Esterline Angus Company
  • 1,376752 5/3/1921 Engine-starters. Assigned to Tidewater Equipment Corp., Portland, Maine.
  • 1,388178 8/23/1921 Engine-starters. Assigned to Tidewater Equipment Corp., Portland, Maine.
  • 1,394528 10/25/1921 Electric meter construction
  • 1,406963 2/21/1922 Apparatus for moving articles of magnetic material. Assigned to Crown Cork and Seal Co., Baltimore, Md.
  • 1,415505 5/9/1922 Current Transformers
  • 1,425229 8/8/1922 Movable elements for meters
  • 1,506552 8/26/1924 Resistance meter
  • 1,539928 6/2/1925 Reactances
  • 1,545078 7/7/1925 Recording meters
  • 1,599268 7/9/1926 Meters
  • 1,601840 10/5/1926 Shunts
  • 1,647332 11/1/1927 Vector-sum Volt-ampere meter. Assigned to Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.
  • 1,798394 3/31/1931 Tachometer generators
  • 1,808334 6/2/1931 Volt-ampere meters
  • 1,880008 9/27/1932 Graphic meters
  • 1,907096 5/2/1933 Recording meters
  • 1,948092 2/20/1934 Methods for apparatus for producing governed motion at a distance
  • 2,134391 10/25/1938 Reroll drive mechanism for graphic meters


1938 book by esterline-angus company


The Esterline-Angus Instrument Company was formed in 1916 in Indianapolis as a partnership between engineer John W. Esterline and mechanical expert D.J. Angus. The company was known for producing a number of products including recording instruments, permanent magnets, and even automobile lighting. The plant, first located in downtown Indianapolis, relocated to Speedway in 1923 through the company's association with James Allison, one of Speedway's founders.

it is currently a big defense contractor, 7 bilion a year company.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Robert B. Annis Man of Precision by Gordon L. Olson

more notes about the pleasant run watershed

A channel modification (see Map 4) exists in the Pleasant Run headwaters on the Raytheon Property and an adjacent neighborhood. A small tributary of Pleasant Run’s has been placed in a concrete channel. The channel efficiently moves water, but it is not ideal for supporting biotic communities.

I see Raytheon as a potential partner in this project.

As part of their 2008 Day of Service, Lilly Company removed invasives along Pleasant Run from Bluff Road almost up to Washington Street

13 http://www.sendcdc.org/
14 http://www.kibi.org/
15 http://www.irvingtondevelopment.org/



Raytheon's philanthropic interests are strategically focused on empowerment through education, specifically directed towards military families, veterans and active-duty military personnel. We give preference to regional projects that serve the broader community in locations where we have major facilities. Organizations recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code are eligible.
If you represent a community organization and would like to submit a grant request, please click here to begin our eligibility questionnaire.
Please note that only those grant requests made through Raytheon's website will be accepted for consideration.


100= pages, pdf, pleasant run watershed management plan. reaing it now.

Mundell & Associates
Christopher Burke Engineering

listed as friends of pleasant run,circa 2011.

Some of the watershed’s earliest settlers, such as the Askren and the Christian family, homesteaded on land along Pleasant Run as early as 1826. The Askren home still sits on the northwest bank of Pleasant Run just north of 16th Street. The Christian home, built in the 1840s, is on Brookville Road. The family raised shorthorn cattle. Christian Park was made possible by a gift to the city from the heirs of the Christian family.

 The many fine homes along the Pleasant Run Parkway show how a city can be designed on a floodplain and yet retain the beauty of nature. For all their beauty, Pleasant Run...

A newly completed 44 acre basin at Emerson Avenue and I-70 should solve the flooding problems created by Pogues Run for neighborhoods east of I-65 and downtown. The city’s Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) problem, including CSOs along Pleasant Run and Bean Creek, is being solved through a series of underground tunnels designed to store over 54 million gallons of raw sewage before transporting it to the wastewater treatment plant.

Pleasant Run Watershed is underlain by limestone, dolomite, siltstone, and shale of Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian ages. The soils are loams and silt/loams that formed from glacial deposits left from the Wisconsin Glacier, which reached its maximum extent 18,000 years ago. These deposits range in thickness from 100 to 250 feet, except immediately near the White River where they may be less than 50 feet thick.

The beginning of the Pleasant Run Watershed, also known as the headwaters, is just north of the Interstate 465 and Interstate 70 junction on Indianapolis’ eastside. The elevation at the headwaters is 876 feet. From the headwaters, Pleasant Run flows southwest until it enters the White River, just south of downtown Indianapolis. During this trip, the stream’s elevation drops 201 feet.

The bioretention cell in Plate 8 collects storm water into a semi-natural area that filters and infiltrates it into the ground rather than releasing it untreated into Fall Creek. If similar practices could be added to Pleasant Run Watershed, they would help address the following stakeholder concerns: Lack of wildlife along stream corridor and in stream, bank erosion in watershed, the need to reduce storm water, and a lack of buffers along streams. Existing agreements between Indy Parks and the Indiana Department of Transportation will make it difficult to add bioretention or other practices along the Indy Parks Greenways, so these practices would likely need to be installed on private land.


Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute 
Lake Michigan Center 
740 W. Shoreline Dr. 
MuskegonMichigan 49441 

Sunday, February 04, 2018

this is my first new post in 11 years i think. i have other blogs i update daily or weekly, but i've neglected this one too long.

today i appointed my friend and coworker kevin bruce the assistant curator of the r b annis museum, which is currently only online, with a few pieces in my attic. it is an unpaid gig for now but he gets to keep 1/2 the gift shop profits.

i took him around to see the works on michigan street that was the first home of the r b annis electirc aparatus company, in about 1929. it's still vacant after being remodeled 8 years ago. kevin has been instructed to call the number and ask about rent to do a pop-up store. I also took him up to my attic to show him one of bob's oscilloscope amplifiers, just the first thing i had handy to show him.

then we went downtown to the r b anis mansion/lair at 11th and delaware. i showed him the place at stewart house across the street where i first lived in indy in 1994, and where i first became interested in who r b annis was.

we also discussed the property i'm buying at 10th and rural. in 1995 i moved from stewart house to 948 eastern, which is right by 10th and rural. it occurs to me that would be a good place to house the annis museum for now. kevin is going to do a trompe l'oile (sp?) front for it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I found a flyer describing some of the films in the Annis Modern Film Library.
I'll list some of the titles - don't have it with me.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


"Our growth is a testament to the visions of people such as Ron Ward, Don Lubbers, Doug Kindschi, D.J. Angus, Bob Annis, and Bill Jackson, as well as to the incredible support we have received from communities in the west Michigan region," said Steinman. "Today, our enhanced programs, combined with the unique ability to blend our research, education, and information findings, allow us to make a real difference in the sustainability of our environmental resources."

R.B. Annis Instruments, Inc. builds the finest precision demagnetizing and testing equipment available. Annis designs demonstrate a level of sophisticated simplicity that has earned them worldwide renown, and it is an unparalleled understanding of electro/magnetic design fundamentals which allows Annis engineers to build customized solutions for virtually every technical obstacle.

The creative spirit of Annis Instruments grew from the talents of its founder, Robert B. Annis. Born in 1907, Annis developed a technical knack during the heyday of radio, and spent his early career honing the skills that would turn hobby into profession. During the war years, he'd already amassed enough professional kudos to catch the eye of military-industrial fabricators, and he quickly gained a reputation as an intricate problem solver. His modest, respected staff of engineers and manufacturers has grown to share his skills (some through 45+ years of service), and proudly maintain the Annis name. Today, Annis Instruments remains a small, hands-on operation - an assurance of remarkable consistency and quality.

Annis Instruments produces a catalog of 1000+ products, but to this day specializes in custom solutions in demagnetizing. To begin the consultation process with an Annis engineer, please contact us today. Visit our product line here

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